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A Program of Spiritual Formation for Candidates to the Priesthood

The Lay Monastic Community of Caryana









The master, Christ, in His first coming, entrusted to all of us His teachings. Then, he will come back, His second coming, to ask an accounting for what He has given us.

Those bringing their profit acknowledge what is their own and what is His. Sire, you gave me five and I made five more. . .you gave me two and I made another two. . .recognizing that they had received from him the capital for making profit. They are grateful and attribute to him all their success.

The master says: "Well done. . ." for goodness shows itself in concern for what is given you. "Because you are faithful in small things, let me give you greater things. Come and share your master's joy."

But one servant had a different answer. "I hid your talent; here it is, you can get back what belongs to you."

What does the master say? "You wicked servant. You should have put my money in the bank; that is what I have taught you; if you couldn't add to it you should have given it to others in the form of encouragement and advice."

"But no one will pay attention to me" was this servant's complaint. The master's answer was: "Whether it will make a profit or not is not your concern. You should have just deposited it; it is up to me to reclaim it with interest. I only demanded the easier part; the harder part is mine."

To the servant who was not faithful in small things, the little given him was taken away. To the servant who was faithful, more was given.

Each one of us has been given the ability to do good to others; if we don't use  it, it will be taken away from us. But the zealous servant will be given greater ability to be of help to others.

St. John Chrysostom







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The Winnowing Fan hopes ..." to do what little it could to solve the evils that beset the church."

                                                                                        - Teresa of Avila


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