The Website aims at sharing in a simplified and summarized
form the rich Christian Tradition contained in the writings of the great
Fathers and Doctors of the Catholic Church which, together with Sacred Scriptures,
are the sources of Divine Revelation. This rich Tradition, neglected for more
than a thousand years but which enjoyed resurgence since the turn of the last
century, has not influenced majority of the clergy and laymen. And yet this
Tradition gives the Catholic stand for all situations in life whether it is
political, economic, scientific, social, familial… and above all spiritual. It
has in its bosom the formula for happiness, a state common to all saints.
The website aims at reminding all Christians of the will of
Christ: "To seek first the kingdom of God and His justice; and all the rest
will be the given to you."

The Lay Monastic Community of Caryana is
a monastic community
patterned after the first early Christian communities, specially the
Basiliades of St. Basil. It was the ambiance set up by the early Fathers of
the Church wherein the Christian Family may live the fullness of the Gospel
The rules observed are the commands of
Christ enumerated
in the Gospel and explained by the Apostles and Fathers and Doctors of the
Church. The community aims at imitating the way the Catholic Church looked in the early eras of her existence; "they built cities in the desert." During
those times, when asked where the Catholic Church was, they would point to the
lay monastic communities in the desert or just out of town. St. Patrick is
said to have made Ireland into one big monastery.
The lay Monastic Community, because it is monastic, is
ruled by
strict and austere rules of the early Fathers, like St. Basil and St. Benedict.
Though extraordinary today, this way of life was ordinary in early
Christianity. It is an answer to the call of Vatican II "to return to the
roots," a very short phrase in the voluminous documents of the Council that
hardly anyone noticed it. And yet it is the spirit of Vatican I and II. To continue
the renewal initiated by the Councils could solve the evils that beset the
Church; it is the only way the Church knows by which she can solve the evils
within her.