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        When one is looking for God or for holiness and sees no sign that it is in where he is searching, like from a priest or in a monastery, he might continue to search but only with painful reluctance.  if, however, he begins to find traces of godliness or holiness from a priest or in a monastery, then he will hunt gladly, gaily and in earnest.

        The seeking for fire is cheered by the feeling of warmth; and he will joyously look for the blaze.  It is like that with people who are seeking God; if they get no taste of the divine from the clergy or from their convents and monasteries, they drag in their spiritual life.  But when they taste the Divine they become glad seekers of God. 

        There never was a struggle or a battle which required valor than that in which a man forgets or denies himself.

        He who wishes to live a holy life should be like a man who draws a circle.  Let him get the center in the right place and the circumference will be good.  The center is God's will.  But if a man's heart is focused on countless worldly things, everything he does will be out of focus and to no advantage. 

        Many people want to see God with their eyes as they see a cow and to love Him as they love their cow.  They love their cow for the milk and cheese and the profit it makes for them.  This is how it is with people who love God for what they can get out of Him.  They do not rightly love God when they love Him for their own advantage. 

Blessed Cardinal Newman







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The Winnowing Fan hopes ..." to do what little it could to solve the evils that beset the church."

                                                                                        - Teresa of Avila


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