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The Active Life is putting your knowledge and understanding of the virtues into action, thus, practicing long suffering in time of anger, absence of vainglory when subjected to praise, etc. 

If you do not pursue the active life perfectly, you will easily fall into temptation because you will not understand the demon's mind and versatility well enough to be able, when the evil one appears, to repel swiftly the confusion which he introduces.

If you are thus, pour the fear of God like oil upon your soul every day, every hour.  This fear accomplishes God's works; this fear becomes a lamp for deciding about the things that concern us; it makes our minds unshakable, not carried away by anger, wrath, rancor or any other passion that leads to wickedness.  The fear of God raises one's soul into the incorporeal region; it makes the soul to hold in contempt the things which are wrought by the devil. 

Pachomian Koinonia II





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The Winnowing Fan hopes ..." to do what little it could to solve the evils that beset the church."

                                                                                        - Teresa of Avila


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