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A Program of Spiritual Formation for Candidates to the Priesthood

The Lay Monastic Community of Caryana









It is good to put the safety of our souls in the hands of one who is both just and prudent. But better to one who is just rather than prudent.  For the counsel of the just man has more weight, aside from being wise, too.

Thus, the queen of Sheba was impressed with the justice and prudence of Solomon's judgments. And the same may be said of the wisdom of Joseph who, with his advice, saved Egypt from the famine of 7 years. Then, there is Daniel who, with his counsels, improved the present and foretold the future. Great confidence was given him because of his justice and prudence.

St. Ambrose, Duties of the Clergy, Ch. X




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The Winnowing Fan hopes ..." to do what little it could to solve the evils that beset the church."

                                                                                        - Teresa of Avila


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