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A Program of Spiritual Formation for Candidates to the Priesthood

The Lay Monastic Community of Caryana











Poverty is not destitution; it is resignation from care. It is a life without anxiety and traveling light, far from sorrow and faithful to the commandments.

The poor monk is lord of the world. He has handed all his cares over to God. If he lacks something, he does not complain and he accepts what comes his way as if from the hands of the Lord.

In his poverty, a monk becomes a son of detachment and sets no value on what he possesses. Worry is a sign of lack of poverty.

He who observes poverty offers up pure prayer. He who is rich in spirit prays poorly.

Obedience frees us from all cupidity. When we have given up our bodies to the service of God, what else is there to call your own? This way, the Christian soul tastes heaven and thinks nothing of what is below. But he who has not tasted heaven finds pleasure in possessions.

He who is poor for no good reason falls into a double misfortune. He has nothing here on earth and nothing in heaven. But the man who gives up his possessions for God's kingdom is a noble soul. But he who renounces his will in obedience is truly a holy man.

Anger and gloom never leave the miserly. The lover of possessions will fight to death for a needle. Job had no desire for possessions; so he remained tranquil when he lost everything.

Love for money is the root of all evil; it causes hatred, theft, envy, separations, hostility, inhuman acts and even murder.

Detachment is withdrawal from all evil desire which increases from an experience and taste of the knowledge of God and meditation on death.

St. John Climacus



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The Winnowing Fan hopes ..." to do what little it could to solve the evils that beset the church."

                                                                                        - Teresa of Avila


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