The traditional belief that Mary
was assumed body and soul into heaven is a most fitting conclusion to the
story of God's love for her. As early as Apostolic times, both East and West
proclaimed their belief in the Assumption of Mary; more in the East where
the feast was referred to as the Dormition or Translation of the Blessed
Virgin Mary.
St. Gregory of Tours attests to
its universal acceptance by the 6th century. King Alfred the Great of
England decreed August 15 a national holiday. On November 1, 1950, Pope
Pius XII declared the Assumption an article of Faith.
The first three Ecumenical
Councils held in the Church are: The first, Nicea (325 A.D.), which was devoted to
the Father and the Son; the second, Constantinople (381 A.D.), which was devoted
to the Holy Spirit; and the third, Ephesus (432 A.D.), which was devoted to Christ and
His Blessed Mother.
The Council of Ephesus, the
first Marian Council, proclaimed the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin.
The Eastern Church was ahead of the West in the development of Marian doctrines. The feast of the
Dormition was already extensively celebrated in the
East prior to 500 A.D. Emperor Maurice (582-602) decreed that it
be celebrated on August 15 . The feast was referred to as The Dormition or
Falling Asleep (Koimesis) or the Removal or Translation or Departure or
Assumption of the body of Mary. These are all evident in the Eastern
The doctrine began appearing in
France only in the 6th century where the feast was celebrated by the
Gallican Liturgies on the 18th of January as the feast of the Assumption ; and it reached Rome at
the time of Pope Sergius (687-701)