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(JOHN 13:1-15)

The whole world proclaims the goodness and love of God; but nothing so proclaims it better than His becoming man. He whose state was Divine assumed the condition of a slave. This was not a lowering of one's dignity. It was a manifestation of love. Every act of true Christian humility is an act of love; a Christian humbles himself because he loves. He does it for no other reason. 

Today, we see Him who feeds everything under the heavens, the master among slaves, wisdom among the ignorant, reclining and eating with His disciples. He who feeds the whole world is Himself receiving sustenance. This is a great favor of a master to his servants, isn't it?

Moreover, He was not satisfied with the great favor He showed His servants by sharing a meal with them. . .though angels stood in dread and reverence around. He rose from the table, wrapped a towel around His waist and washed the feet of His disciples.

This was not an affront to His dignity. It was a demonstration of limitless love. 

But the disciples, because of their humility, were wise. They knew that He who was reclining with them was no ordinary man; they were eating with a God. And, as Christ washed their feet, each disciple knew it was a God washing their feet. It was this thought that made them submit with great fear and trembling. They dared not oppose their Master.

All the disciples' behaviour was filled with wisdom. They were thinking men and believing men. But Peter was also a speaking man; his statement showed he was thinking. "Lord, You are Creator: I am a creature. You shall not wash my feet." Peter was thinking right but not understanding right. He refused because he thought well; he submitted because he loved well. He refused in the spirit of faith; he gratefully obeyed in the spirit of love.

This is how we must act; we must think well but submit always to the will of God. As a human, Peter reasoned well; but he changed his mind because he loved well. 







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The Winnowing Fan hopes ..." to do what little it could to solve the evils that beset the church."

                                                                                        - Teresa of Avila


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