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A Program of Spiritual Formation for Candidates to the Priesthood

The Lay Monastic Community of Caryana






Christian Life is the profession of the life of Christ. A Christian is united with Jesus Christ in a manner more noble, more intimate and more perfect than the members of a human body have with their head.

By nature, each one of us is enclosed in  his own personality but, supernaturally, we are all one. We are made one body in Christ, because we are nourished by one flesh. As Christ is indivisible, we are all one in Him.

Christian life is the continuation and completion of the life of Christ in us. We should be so many Christs here on earth, continuing His life and His works, labouring and suffering in a holy and divine manner in the spirit of Jesus.

Let us therefore give ourselves to God with a great desire to begin to live thus, and beg Him to destroy in us the life of the world of sin, and to establish His life within us.








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The Winnowing Fan hopes ..." to do what little it could to solve the evils that beset the church."

                                                                                        - Teresa of Avila


Winnowing Fan and Guadalupe Series are owned and Copyrighted by S. of G. Foundation.
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